Purchase a sample Teaching Video:
Stage One Tangos
Interested in BCS, but unsure about making such a big investment? For $50, you can purchase "Stage One Tangos," one of our many BCS Teaching Videos. You will get a feel for us and our approach, and learn a lot about the Tango in the process!
Our 75-minute "Stage One Tango" Teaching Video walks through how to perform each move of the Tango in detail, as well as discussing common challenges, how to somatically feel the natural rhythm of the EFT Tango for more intuitive learners, and more.
And for those who purchase this video and then go on to register for the 2023-2024 BCS: Stage One, you will receive the $50 back through a discount code for course registration!
Note: No CEs are provided for this sample video. Video will be available for streaming for one year from the date of purchase.